Friday, March 27, 2009

Krings Party Pics June 2008

Bear with me - I'm going to try & get a few of the Krings groups pics up from last June....

Looks like some nasty snags where they were fishing!
Nice 25" 'eye!

19.25" smallie!

The guys had a great time and their experience on the Seine was very apparent with some of the action they had....I'm guessing they'll have a bunch more pics for me in a couple of months so I better get going!

It was great seeing their fishing action, but it was even better having some pints with them & yakking about pretty much everything...

I'll put some stats up from their trip too....everything from # & size of fish to how many beer were consumed!
Riveting stuff eh?

Early Season Fishing

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick post...with this new format, I'm hoping to stay more current with my updates & especially photo posting.....

I'll be sharing a few stories /pics from last year...we have tons of pics to go up....2008 was one of the overall best years fishing we have seen on the Seine Chain. I even got out a lot more often (and caught a few too)....

For now though, we're really looking forward to a great 2009. Our bookings are (touch wood) looking terrific, with a very high number of old guests coming back. We have all the regulars that come up every year (sometimes twice or three times), plus a whole lot of groups that came once or twice a few years ago that all seem to be coming back this year.....

It's great having new groups come, and we're blessed with quite a few...and it's sure nice to see old friends again.

Anyway, we're hoping to kick it off this year by April 23 for some lake trout, pike & smallie fishing with the Blackwelder group from Florida. This'll mark a number of years that Earl has been up in early spring....last year we had a late ice out & it wasn't doable.

Of course, we're hoping for another early (or at least average ) ice out this year.....Anyone who's interested check in with us re: ice condditions. I know lots of you are chomping at the bit to wet the line for some great laker & pike fishing ASAP....if Mother Nature cooperates we sure will as well.

Will keep y'all posted!
